Item/Task Specification Review
At this point, you should have completed your item/task specification table. It is now time to change your perspective and look over your table through the lens of an item/task reviewer. Before doing this, read through the Item/Task Reviewer Lesson Information. In this document, you will be exposed to item review considerations, as well as accessibility, bias and sensitivity review issues.
Once you have read through this document and reviewed your item/task specification table, submit your item for others to review. Do this by click the "Add a new discussion" button below. On the following page, enter a subject name of your choosing, then paste a link to your item/task specification table in the message area. When you are done, click the "Post to forum" button at the bottom of the page.
After submitting your table for review, you will need to review two of your peers' item/task specification tables. You can do this by clicking on the link to their table. Provide any specific comments in each table. After reviewing each table, reply to each person's forum post with overall feedback on their table.
Next Activity: Item/Task Specification Submission
Status | Discussion | Started by | Last post | Replies | Actions |
Kyle Carter
4 |
Amber Schlappi Bloss
4 |
Amy Klopf
0 |
Debbie Reid
4 |
Item/Task Reviewer Lesson
0 |