Data Review and Recommendations



by Debbie Reid -
Number of replies: 3
My school is making strides to improve our technology. We just purchased IPADS for all of the teachers and 30 IPADS for student use. We are having technology training next year to help support the use of these devices in our classroom. We are also looking at technology that will allow us to link our IPADS to the student IPADS and also link them to our projectors. We are trying hard to make our school a more technology based learning.
In reply to Debbie Reid

Re: Debbie

by Amber Schlappi-Bloss -

I think it is great that all teachers will have iPads!  Do you all have laptops/PCs already?  A class set of iPads is also a bonus, we have laptops for our students, but I would like iPads instead of those.

In reply to Debbie Reid

Re: Debbie

by Courtney Daunt -

If money wasn't already such an issue with schools, I think technology would already be so much integrated into our daily lives.  Unfortunately, that's not the case.  It's frustrating because we have all these traingings about incorporating technology in our classes, but we don't necessarily have all the tools we need to combine them all together.  I guess we can only do what we can, with what we have.  iPads are a great step!

In reply to Debbie Reid

Re: Debbie

by Kyle Carter -

A teacher in my building got a grant last summer to get a large number of iPads for her science class.  She said her greatest fear was that they would get damaged.  In the end, she went to an airline lost-luggage sale and got a LOT of high quality protective cases for absurdly cheap.  That might be something to look into to save some money and keep the investment safe.