I integrated technology by using Google Forms and had 4 of my Algebra 2 drop in students complete the assessment. We are working on Radical Expressions: Adding, Subtracting, Dividing, Multiplying and simplifying. I used two mulitple choice questions and 3 "show your work and answer it" questions.
The students did NOT like taking the assessment online because of the having to use scrap paper still to work out the problems. I probably should have chosen a different topic, but that was what all 4 were dealing with, so figured that was the only way I would get them to take this sample assessment. This close to break, it is a push to have them do extra work, even 5 questions!
I liked having it online as they could do it when they wanted to do it while they were here. When it is on paper, I make them all start at the same time to work through it. I liked the less paper, less messy work having it turned in online.