Red Zone Discussion Forum

Capstone Redzone

Capstone Redzone

by Kyle Carter -
Number of replies: 4

I'm running a bit behind with all this... I hope someone out there still sees this...

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Students will be able to describe the characteristics of an empire, while citing specific examples.


PROVIDING RECOGNITION Students will receive class badges, based on their achievement. 

COOPERATIVE LEARNING In groups of 3, students will create a Google Doc in Google Drive to brainstorm what they know and what they think they know.

In reply to Kyle Carter

Re: Capstone Redzone

by Kay Hauck -

Kyle, you are on the right track with your lesson.  I wasn't able to see your rubric though.  

In reply to Kyle Carter

Re: Capstone Redzone

by Amber Schlappi-Bloss -

For Class Badges, are you using Class Dojo? Badges are fun for students and give them 'evidence' they did well!  I wasn't able to see the rubric either, the link took me to Rubistar's homepage.  Will the students be in class doing the Google Doc together or each do it from home separately so they can really see how cool Google Docs are to collaborate from afar?


In reply to Amber Schlappi-Bloss

Re: Capstone Redzone

by Kyle Carter -

I like the idea of assigning Google Doc work as homework for that reason, however I know that not all of my 7th graders have internet access at home.

In reply to Kyle Carter

Re: Capstone Redzone

by Courtney Daunt -

I like the use of badges to show their acheivements.  I also like how they will be working in cooperative groups.  I always liked working in groups, I felt like it bettered my understanding of the content.