Blue Zone Discussion Forum

Capstone Project: Blue Zone

Capstone Project: Blue Zone

by Amy Klopf -
Number of replies: 4

IDENTIFYING SIMILIARITIES AND DIFFERENCES: (What comparing/classifying, use of metaphors/analogies can you bring into the lesson?)

Comparing/Classifying: good guys vs bad guys, classifying genres

GENERATING AND TESTING HYPOTHESES:  (Explain how students will be involved in one of the four types of activities in Generating and Testing Hypotheses)

Students will use Problem Solving to create their Action-Adventure stories and presentations. Students will demonstrate this activity as their “good guys” conquer challenges to complete their goals.

Teacher Use of Technology:

Thinkfinity, Read-Write-Think (, PBS Learning Media

Student Use of Technology:

Primary Access (to create their digital story)

In reply to Amy Klopf

Re: Capstone Project: Blue Zone

by Annette Howe -

Based on my test results, it would appear I have misunderstood the questions or description of the procedures.  I like the idea of changing an important element of a story or historical event and having the students "THINK" through how that would impact the end results.


In reply to Amy Klopf

Re: Capstone Project: Blue Zone

by Amber Schlappi-Bloss -

Are you using the Webbing Tool from the Read-Write-Think site for them to problem solve?  There are probably some cute metaphors and analagies with Good Guy/Bad Guy themes you could tie into the lesson also.

In reply to Amy Klopf

Re: Capstone Project: Blue Zone

by Kyle Carter -

This looks to be a fun and creative way to get students thinking and problem solving.