Creating a Collection in Google Docs
- Sign up for a Google account (just sign in to Google and follow the links) - I also have a Google email account that I add to all of my folders so that I can check what the students see.
- Once you have an account click on "Documents" at the top of page.
- Once in Google Docs "Create" a "Collection" - I have a collection for each course. You can add subfolders for each unit.
- Use the "Upload" button to updoad documents. They upload to "Home" - you can put them in the correct folder (drag and drop) after you upload.
- Share the collection - right click collection, choose "share", and then add the email addresses for the students that you want to access the folder.
- Done! You can upload any type of document or video.
Last modified: Wednesday, June 27, 2012, 10:46 AM