"Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

"Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

Number of replies: 12
Now that you have explored a few elements that contribute to a blended environment, describe what this new practice might look like in your classroom.

After completing your post, respond to at least one other participant whose response resonates with you (either in a positive or negative way). In your response, include:

  • a rationale for your thoughts
  • a question, idea, or statement that furthers the conversation
  • kindness and respect for your peers' thoughts and ideas

Once you have completed this activity, you will be ready to move on to the next: Taking Blended Learning Further - Next Steps Information

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Re: "Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

by Debbie Reid -

I am interested in seeing how I can implement blending learning in my classroom.  I am interested in finding apps that I can use with my students in which they can be successful plus be independent with them.  I have found the audioboo app that I would love to use with my students on their reading and writing.  I plan on using this with a writing unit with my class.  I also found some wonderful drawing apps through this course that I could have students use to create their knowledge of a topic.  I have been limited in the ways of technology in my classroom.  My goal thorugh the rest of this year and especially this summer, is to find more ways to have technology used throughout my classroom.  It will be interested to see how easy technolgoy can be incorporated when I receive my classroom IPAD.  This is an area where I personally need to get comfortable with and continue to grow.

In reply to Debbie Reid

Re: "Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

by Courtney Daunt -


I am on the same page as you when it comes to learning to be comfortable with the use of technology in the classroom.  I have been pretty limited, especially this year, and that makes it hard to become more knowledgable.  But, I would like to learn how to incorporate some use of technology through small things, like the iPad.  I think it starts small, and grows with practice.  I like the idea of using the drawing apps.  I think students can do great things when they can draw what they know. 

In reply to Debbie Reid

Re: "Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

by Amy Klopf -

What does the audioboo app do and how would your students use it for reading and writing? We do not have iPads, but we do have tablets I wonder if their is something like your app that we could use.

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Re: "Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

by Courtney Daunt -

This year more than ever, I have been limited with the technology in my classroom.  I also find it hard b/c I am now teaching a new grade (preschool) and don't know the appropriate ways to incorporate technology with them.  I am allowing the students the ability to play educational games on the computer, but would like to take this learning to the next level.  I hope to continue to research and investigate new and exciting teaching tools to work with the students in the classroom.  I also hope, that next year, the technology is more readily available.

In reply to Courtney Daunt

Re: "Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

by Amber Schlappi-Bloss -

I agree switching to preschool would be difficult to start incorporating technology if you were used to a higher grade. My daughter is in K this year and I am surprised at all of the techy things they do!  Her class 'tweets' every day and at the end of the week, they Storify it for those parents who do not have Twitter! They also have a class Weebly page, the teacher uploads class pictures and the students help 'write' the captions before it is published for us parents to see.  These are good ideas when only the teacher has access to a computer, I do know they use a projector too though.  Just a few ideas that may work in PreK as well.

In reply to Courtney Daunt

Re: "Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

by Debbie Reid -
I understand where you are coming from Courtney. I teach kindergarten and find it difficult to incorporate more technology into my classroom. I use the computers in my room for students to do educational games but would like to take the next step.
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Re: "Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

by Amber Schlappi-Bloss -

Since I already facilitate 100% online using the premade software Edgenuity, I don't use too much other tech programs with my students.  However, I do like finding new programs that could help my students when they are having a hard time doing the work online.  I also share the new programs I have found with our adult ed. teachers who do not use Edgenuity.

I would like to see a program in which I can better help my students from far away with math.  We need an interactive white board, that is easy to use and always available, I need them to be able to see what I am doing and hear me too, preferably in real time, and without sign ins needed (I find this just deters them from doing it).  I have students who are at least 3 hours away from me and not doing well in Algebra 2, it is really difficult to help them via email and chat!

In reply to Amber Schlappi-Bloss

Re: "Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

by Kyle Carter -

Have you tried Khan Academy?  They have a LOT of tutorial videos on different subjects, especially in the areas of math and science.  Here is a link to their Algebra II page... maybe something on it will be useful...

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Re: "Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

by Kyle Carter -

I feel as if a “truly” blended classroom should be more than a teacher lecturing with powerpoint and the occasional .gif animation.  There are many options out there for student collaboration and creativity.  Implementing and maintaining a classroom Wiki is a great way to build community and share ideas.  Posting work to individual blogs can instill ownership of ideas, and give kids a skill that will be useful as they grow older… also, think of how many trees it saves.  In addition, in the upper grades, where more kids are likely to have personal communication devices (cell phones), websites such as PollEverywhere.com can allow for instant assessment without the school investing their own money into costly buzzer/remote systems.


In reply to Kyle Carter

Re: "Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

by Amber Schlappi-Bloss -

I completely agree that it should seem natural to use more tech in the classroom and be able to blend it in easily and should make it more a part of the class, not 'just something we are trying to do' and then stop after a few days.  And, anything that saves schools money, makes you great on the admin side of things!

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Re: "Using Your new practice" (Discussion Forum)

by Amy Klopf -

I look forward to using technology within my classroom. I would like to make it such a blended piece of my classroom that it is second nature to my students. For example, when it comes to writing workshop students will be able to just start on the writing process step they are working on using laptops, PCs, or tablets that have been made available without a need for me to be right there showing them how to use the software they need to complete their works.