Ok, I'm confused on this. Am I suppose to create this from scratch? Or am I looking to find an already made assessment model? I don't feel like the directions were very clear for this. I watched all the videos and get what they were saying and understood the assessments etc. But I'm not quite sure where I'm suppose to go with this or why? Please help. When is all this due? I'm almost done with 5, I have 6 to do, and only the last discussion from module 2 and then need to submit my final project there. Thanks!
Courtney, I'm so sorry I'm just seeing this. Normally I get an email notification when someone posts to a forum, and I must have missed this one. You can create an item from scratch or model the item after one that you already use, or what that you find that fits the criteria. As long as you can fill in the specifiation table for it. It might help you to look at what your classmates have posted in the item/task review discussion forum. You have until April 30 to complete everything. Let me know if you have further questions. Again, my apologies for the delay in responding