I have had a problem saving my work on the reflection sheet.
Hi Pam,
Do you have a google drive account set up? If you already have it set up in the google drive account, it automatically saves the information. There is no save button because of this feature. Did you make a copy and put it in a folder in the drive account? I will try to help you the best I can but need a little more info.
I have had difficulty doing copy and paste and have been presented with the error code "not supported by browser." I can "SHARE" with Kay. I sthere a way to get everyone's addresses so when I share it will go to all enrolled in this course since I'm having difficulty with copy and paste?
Thank you for your successful advice on locating Google Drive.
My gmail address is schlappiblossa@fultonpirates.net
2 things...
1. You can use keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste. Ctrl + C to copy and then Ctrl + V to paste (highlight what you want to copy, hold down the Ctrl and C key at the same time, then go to where you want to paste and hold down the Ctrl and V key at the same time.)
2. You can go to the sharing settings in your Google doc and set it so anyone with the link can view. This will solve the problem of having to share it with each participant indidually. Make sure you give only view rights and not edit rights. See attached screenshot.
![Attachment Sharing.google.png](https://claregladwinresd.glk12.org/pluginfile.php/24855/mod_forum/attachment/1410/Sharing.google.png?forcedownload=1)