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Wording of review questions

Wording of review questions

by Annette Howe -
Number of replies: 1

Has anyone else neglected to notice the "select only one" or select all that apply" on the questions.  After I scored poorly on a quiz I noticed I "skimmed" the question too quickly. sad  It would be helpful if all questions had similar types of answering.  I'm assuming our students may experience this same confusion when I've set up similar questioning in the past.  Perhaps this would be a good for of cues/questions to get the students to "think, Pair, Share" when analyzing their results; therefore making the "test questioning" a source of enhancing learning on the topic. hmmmmmmmmm....


In reply to Annette Howe

Re: Wording of review questions

by Debbie Reid -

I have noticed the different wording of quiz questions.  I have been caught a couple of times not catching the different phrasing.  I like your idea of having students "Think, Pair, Share" the quiz questions.  It would help a lot of them understand how to work thorugh complex test questions.