Assisting Students with Diverse Learning Styles

Universal Design for Learning and CAST

The last thing to leave you with is to develop a learning process throughout the school year while incorporating technology in the curriculum.  Universal Design for Learning in the classroom is a set of principles to understand the strategies needed to take place to meet the needs of all students in the classroom. CAST (Center for Applied Special Technology) is a resource for teachers to help with understanding and developing flexible strategies in the classroom utilizing the following principles.

1. Provide multiple means of representation

·      Present information and content in different ways

2. Provide multiple means of action and expression

·      Differentiate the ways that a student can express what they know

3. Provide multiple means of engagement

·      Differentiate the ways that students can express what they know

Understanding the three brain networks.

The links below can help you understand these principles.

CAST video for UDL at a glance


Graphic organizer

UDL Guidelines graphic organizer text description:

This graphic organizer of the Universal Design for Learning Guidelines depicts the three main principles of UDL in three color-coded columns with numbered explanations and bulleted examples beneath each principle heading.


Universal Design for Learning

This presentation explains the history behind the Universal Design for Learning movement. It also explores the implications for students and teachers in classrooms.


You are now ready to move on to the next activity: Typing Activities