Multiplying Fractions
Remember when multiplying fractions, multiply the numerators (tops), and then multiply the denominators (bottoms). For instance, . Notice that can be simplified, since 7 divides evenly into the numerator and denominator, . So is the correct answer, but can be simplified to be .
To avoid working with larger numbers, simplify first. Notice that there is a factor of 7 in the numerator and denominator, which can be cancelled before multiplying.
Cancelling before multiplying is a great time-saver and prevents many common mistakes.
Hint: If the same factor appears in the numerator and the denominator, cancel it before multiplying. This works regardless of whether the numbers appear in the same fraction or different fractions.*Caution: This rule only applies when you are multiplying fractions; not when you are adding, subtracting, or dividing.