Choosing Web 2.0 Tools for Teaching & Learning - Assignment

You have explored how to choose Web 2.0 tools, and considered how a few might support teaching and learning in your own environment.

 Now, take this WebTools 2.0 Quiz

Take note of your score - not to worry about it ~ this is just for information gathering, along with any thoughts or revelations that came to you as you took the quiz.

Finding the right 2.0 to use in your blended environment can be a huge challenge as there are so many from which to select.

Peruse Finding the Right Tool

The Table of Contents on the right side of the page will help guide you through the resource.

After you have browsed the tools and determined some that you might like to explore, post a few ideas here as to how they will support teaching and learning in your own environment.

If you have tools that are not mentioned, please share them here as well.

Be sure to come back and converse with your peers on their tool ideas and implementations.

Once you have completed this activity, you will be ready to move on to the next: Choosing Tools Thoughts & Ideas - Discussion Forum

Browse the glossary using this index

Special | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | ALL


Picture of Amber Schlappi-Bloss

Amber Bloss

by Amber Schlappi-Bloss - Monday, February 17, 2014, 12:59 PM

My score was 1000/1000 on the quiz.  I am pretty sure if I did not already take 21 Things for 21st Century Educators and also teach online, there would have been questions I didn't know!

I really like the "What do you want to create today?" I think I will use that for my Capstone lesson to help the students decide what they want to create and which tools they could use the help them do that.  The other useful picture is the mind map that students can use to find tools that will help them create what they are hoping to create.  There are so many tools, this organizes them nicely and helps the students decide which to use.  I plan on using this one too, very useful.

I played with Padlet, it was pretty fun to mess around with it, close to Glogster, but more 'simple', a good alternative option for students to use, I was surprised it wasn't in 21 Things.