Amber Schlappi Blossi Blended Learning-Weebly

I teach alternative ed, grades 7-12, all subjects using Edgenuity.  We (my partner teacher and I) created a Weebly site to help our students prepare for the ACT.  We thought it was an awesome idea to get them off Edgenuity for a bit and using Weebly while familiarizing themselves with questions from ACT.  Well, the students who cared about their ACT score did the majority of the assignments, the students who could care less about the ACT found it long and pointless and they did little to complete the work.  We even offered credit for completing it and very few actually did.

Next year, we will use this site for ACT Prep but we will have to possibly shorten the lessons a bit as soem students found it to overwhelming to have to stay on track in their classes AND do this prep work.  We may have to work on Math, then on Reading, then on English instead of all at once in a weekly format like this year.


» Blended Learning Application - Assignment