Wednesday, May 15, 2024, 1:41 PM
Site: Clare-Gladwin RESD
Course: Moodle Basics and Beyond (Moodle B&B Homepage)
Glossary: Glossary

Brain Pop

This site offers brief and engaging videos across all the curricular areas. 


This is an excellent website for individualized learning and classroom lab time.


EdHelper is a good resource if you are willing to pay a small yearly amount to access it. It has provided me reading material on subjects in science that my textbook did a poor job of exploring. It is a way to enhance your existing curriculum. 

It also has a feature for making word searches, crosswords, etc. with vocabulary words. There are many options when creating these.

Go to:


Google Forms

You can create a quick survey or assessment to send out to students.  Data is collected in a Google spreadsheet for quick review and sorting.



This site is good for entering vocabulary words and their meanings. The students can then "play vocabulary games" with the words. It works slightly differently on i-pads than it does on other devices but it is still useful.

Go to:


School Tube

A collection of school appropriate videos that are not blocked by most school districts.

Spelling City

Online spelling practice for parents to help their children.  Also gives parents the list in case the student lost theirs.