Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 10:13 AM
Site: Clare-Gladwin RESD
Course: Moodle Essentials (Essentials Homepage)
Glossary: Course Glossary


The directory resource can display a whole directory (and its subdirectories) from your course files area. Students can then browse and view all those files.

Files and web pages

This resource type allows you to link to any web page or other file on the public web. It also allows you to link to any web page or other file that you have uploaded into your course files area from your own desktop computer. Normal web pages are simply displayed as they are, while multimedia files are dealt with more intelligently and may be embedded within a web page. For example, MP3 files will be displayed using a built-in streaming player, as will movie files, flash animations and so on.
There are many options for displaying your content in popup windows, framed windows and so on.
In particular, if your resource is a web application or other type of content able to accept parameters, you can choose to send information to your resource such as the user's name, their email, the course they are currently in, and so on.

IMS Content Packages

IMS content packages can be created and edited using a variety of content-authoring software. Content is usually displayed over several pages, with navigation between the pages. The content-authoring software produces a zip file, which can then be uploaded to your course in Moodle.
The zip file is unzipped automatically in Moodle, and the content of the package displayed.
There are various options for displaying content in a popup window, with a navigation menu or buttons etc.


Labels are a little different from other resources because they are text and images that are actually embedded directly among the other activity links in the course page.

Text page

This type of resource is a simple page written using plain text.
A number of formatting types are available to help turn your plain text into nice-looking web pages.

Web page

This sort of resource makes it easy to develop a complete single web page within Moodle, especially when you are using Moodle's WYSIWYG HTML editor. The page is stored in the database, not as a file, and you have a lot of freedom to do almost anything you like using HTML, including Javascript.