Domain and Range

Site: Clare-Gladwin RESD
Course: Michigan Algebra II KHauck
Book: Domain and Range
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Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025, 10:14 PM



The domain of a function is the set of values of the independent variable (x) for which the function is defined.

There are two common mathematical operations that are undefined: square root of a negative number and division by zero.

Because a square root cannot successfully act on a negative number, the domain of f(x) = squareroot of x is all real numbers x such that x is greater than or equal to 0 . In set notation, this would be written domain 3 .

Division by zero is undefined; therefore values for x that produce a zero denominator are excluded from the domain. For instance, the function domain 3 has a domain of all real numbers except domain 4 and domain 5 . In set notation, this would be written domain6 .







If you substitute a value less than –7, it will result in a negative number under the radical sign. This operation would be undefined.



Division by zero is undefined.



If a value of x = -3 is substituted it produces a zero in the denominator, which is undefined. Be careful, the rule is not ,“When dividing, x cannot be 0.” The rule is “x can never be a value that would result in a zero denominator.”



Any value can be substituted for x in this function and it will result in a number.



Numbers less than 3 will result in a negative number under the radical sign and 5 causes a division by 0.

Video Lesson


The range of a function is the set of values of the dependent variable, y, for which the function is defined.

To illustrate range, consider the function range1 . The domain of this function is all real numbers x such that range2 ; in other words, the input can be any number greater than or equal to –7.

What output does this function produce? Consider the following table of values:


Note as the x values increase, the y values also increase. However, the input range4 is undefined. Hence, the range of this function is all real numbers y such that range6 . In set notation, this would be written range7 .

Interactive Activity

This demo is designed to help students use graphical representations of functions to determine the domain and the range.

Domain and Range Activity


Families of Functions Domain and Range Worksheet

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Answer Key

Families of Functions Domain and Range Answer Key

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Sources used in this book:

Embracing Mathematics, Assessment & Technology in High Schools; a Michigan Mathematics & Science Partnership Grant Project

Kenny Felder, "Function Concepts -- Domain and Range," Connexions, December 30, 2008,

Roberts, Lila F.. "Domain and Range ." 09/12/2004. (accessed 08/09/2010).