Interacting the with the resources in the CCR Portal

Site: Clare-Gladwin RESD
Course: TRIG: Classroom Readiness T3 January - March 2014
Book: Interacting the with the resources in the CCR Portal
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Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 5:29 AM

Looking for resources to support the CCRS?

Effective instruction shouldn't mean reinventing the wheel!  The CCR Portal provides great resources to support the Career and College Readiness Standards.

Take a few minutes to click and play around in the CCR Portal

Next, we will look at the Michigan Electronic Library (MeL) resource in depth on the next page.

Michigan Electronic Library

Let the library come to you!  Here is a robust online tool you can use. Watch the three videos!

MeL is the Michigan eLibrary, a 24/7 online library for Michigan residents.

  • MeL Databases allow you instant access to full-text articles from tens of thousands of magazines and newspapers. Databases are available for kids, adults, and on specialized topics such as car repair, practice tests and art images. View a video to familiarize yourself with the databases.

  • MeLCat allows you to order books, audio books, music, movies and other materials and have them delivered to your participating library. 

  • MeL Michigana contains photographs, diaries, oral histories, local records and historical Michigan data. .

  • MeL Gateways include specialized resources such as those in genealogy, health, business and areas for kids and teens. 

  • MORE: Michigan Online Resources for Educators allows teachers and parents to find curricular based resources searchable by subject and aligned to the Michigan Content Expectations.  

And there's M.O.R.E. in MeL!

Looking for resources specific to your standards?  Head to the M.O.R.E. online tool in MeL.  M.O.R.E. stands for Michigan Online Resources for Educators.  

Click here to watch a clip on MeL and the M.O.R.E. online tool.   

To see the clip on your full screen, click the little black box just under the video. Click ESC to return to the smaller size.

Your Turn!

Take some time to find resources on the MeL site.  The video also talked about the M.O.R.E. online tool. Michigan Online Resources for Educators is housed in MeL and gives teachers the opportunity to search for resources according to their standards. Check out both!  

To get to them, go to the CCR Portal; pull down the Effective Instruction menu at the top.  Then click Instruction. Choose MeL and/or M.O.R.E. and have fun!  

Be thinking about how you can use this resource in your teaching.

Reflection Time!

Now that you have had some fun in the MeL and the M.O.R.E. online tools, take a moment to document some thoughts on your Reflection Worksheet. Think about these questions.

  • Something new I learned.
  • 3 nuggets of information I will remember.
  • Plan for using the MeL/MORE online tool in my teaching.

You are now ready to move on to the next activity: Additional Support for the CCRS