Introduction to the Career and College Readiness Portal

Site: Clare-Gladwin RESD
Course: TRIG: Classroom Readiness T3 January - March 2014
Book: Introduction to the Career and College Readiness Portal
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Date: Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 5:26 AM

The Michigan Standards

Depending on what content you teach, you probably have a special name for your standards; Common Core, Next Generation, GLCE's, HSCE, Early Childhood Standards of Quality, to name a few.  

Did you know that all the standards we use in Michigan fit under the big umbrella called Career and College Readiness Standards?

Career and College-Ready students possess the skills necessary to earn a self-sustaining wage and participate in postsecondary opportunities without remediation.  This means that they:

  • Use technology and tools strategically in learning and communicating

  • Use argument and reasoning to do research, construct arguments, and critique the reasoning of others

  • Communicate and collaborate effectively with a variety of audiences

  • Solve problems, construct explanations and design solutions

These characteristics of career & college-ready students are visible within the academic standards, including the arts and the CTE Career Ready Practices. Students that are career & college-ready are provided with opportunities throughout their K-12 education to use technology and tools; engage in argument, reasoning, and problem solving; and to communicate and collaborate.

The Michigan Department of Education provides a convenient place to find all of them! 

Let's take a look at the Career and College Readiness Portal!

Check out the CCR Portal!

Before we send you off to look around the CCR Portal on your own, click below to watch these videos introducing you to the Career and College Readiness Portal. 

After you watch the videos, get into the CCR Portal and look around. Click the link below to go there!

(You might consider bookmarking this link for future reference.)

Reflection Time!

Now that you have had a chance to look at the standards, take 10 minutes to add some thoughts to your Reflection Worksheet.

Think about:

  • Something new I learned.
  • 3 nuggets of information I will remember.
  • Plan for using the CCR Portal in my teaching.

You are now ready to move on to the next activity: Interacting the with the resources in the CCR Portal