Adding & Subtracting
Site: | Clare-Gladwin RESD |
Course: | Michigan Algebra I |
Book: | Adding & Subtracting |
Printed by: | Guest user |
Date: | Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 3:44 PM |
Adding and subtracting radicals is very similar to adding and subtracting like terms. The radical acts like the variable when adding like terms, and has to be exactly the same in order to add or subtract. For example is very similar to 3x + 5x. Where 3x + 5x = 8x, the radical addition is .
Example 1 Simplify .
Step 1. Verify the radicals are the same.
Both terms contain a radical of .
Step 2. Combine like terms.
Example 2 Simplify .
Step 1. Verify the radicals are the same.
The radicals are not the same because one is a cube root and the other is a square root. Therefore this expression is in simplest form.
Example with Simplifying
Example 3 Simplify .
Step 1. Determine if the radicals are the same. If not, determine if they can be simplified to be the same.
The first term can be simplified.
The second term is simplified.
The simplified terms have the same radical.
Step 2. Combine like terms.
Video Lessons
To learn how to add and subtract radical expressions, select the following links:
Guided Practice
To solidify your understanding of adding and subtracting radicals, visit the following link to Holt, Rinehart and Winston Homework Help Online. It provides examples, video tutorials and interactive practice with answers available. The Practice and Problem Solving section has two parts. The first part offers practice with a complete video explanation for the type of problem with just a click of the video icon. The second part offers practice with the solution for each problem only a click of the light bulb away.
Adding and Subtracting Radicals Worksheet
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Answer Key
Adding and Subtracting Radicals Answer Key
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Video Lesson - All Operations
To see numerous videos on working with all the radical operations, select the following link:Interactive Activities - All Operations
For more practice on all the radical operations, select the following links:
The Interactive Math Site allows you to work through various problems, make sure to select the other options on the left side of the window for a variety of problems.
The Hotmath site allows you to work through various problems, make sure to scroll down to have access to the variety of problems.
Algebasics, "Section 14: Radicals." (accessed 1/8/2011).
Holt, Reinhart & Winston, "Adding and Subtracting Radical Expressions ." (accessed 1/8/2011).
Holt, Reinhart & Winston, "Add and Subtract Radical Expressions ." (accessed 1/8/2011).
Holt, Reinhart & Winston, "Exponential and Radical Functions." (accessed 1/8/2011).
Interactive Math, "Multiplication and Division of Radicals." 12/17/2010. (accessed 1/8/2011).