Graphing Overview

Rational Functions

Prior to Algebra II, rational functions have not been presented. An overview is given here. This content will be fully developed in a later unit. Rational functions are the ratio of polynomials, in other words one polynomial divided by another.

Rational functions are in the form: Rational1-1. The graphs of rational functions will vary depending on the complexity of the polynomials in the numerator and denominator.

See the table and graphs of two of the most basic rational functions below.

Rational1-2 Rational1-3
Rational1-4 Rational1-5

Here are some situations that can be modeled by rational functions:

  • A lighthouse beam moving along a shoreline (velocity vs. angle).
  • Pressure of a compressed gas (pressure vs. distance).
  • Repellant forces at close range (force vs. distance).